Patients with sleep apnea syndrome suffer from sleep disorders and low blood oxygen levels. When sleep apnea occurs, the tongue closes the back of the airway and stops the flow of air to the lungs. When the oxygen levels in the brain decrease enough, the patient wakes up, the throat opens and the air flow to the lungs resumes.
Repeated cycles of low oxygenation lead to serious cardiovascular problems. In addition, sleep apnea causes daytime sleepiness, depression and loss of concentration.
The first step in treating sleep apnea is to recognize the symptoms from the patient and seek appropriate help. The examinations you will need are probably a cephalometric x-ray of the patient, a nasopharyngeal endoscopy, and a sleep study.
The results of the tests also lead to the application of appropriate treatment that can start with an oxygenation device for sleeping up to surgery. The surgical treatment involving the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is to move one or both jaws forward to make the airway and airflow easier. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and requires 1 to 3 days hospital stay.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a very serious condition that requires attention and treatment. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor.